Sunday, July 1, 2018

Business Reporting for the Call Center

Call Center operations are commonplace in the business world from small informal call centers internally servicing the operation of a business to large multi-site multilingual contact centers run as a business offering outsourced call center agent resources.

To maximize efficiency in any business process or operation reporting data is key and metrics obtained from Call Center Reporting Software or business telephone systems is no exception. Being able to offer insight allows business stakeholders to make real and informed business operational decisions.

Call Center Reporting Software

The call reporting itself offers an insight into the operation and efficiency in which agent’s answer, deal, and process telephone conversations. This teamed with analytics from Monitoring Software or Contact management systems can allow a business to correlate trends and performance information from a ringing call through to a converting task. Seeing this end to end process and being able to ask logical business questions of the data empowers businesses to adapt and make changes to their processes in real-time. This, in turn, can mean the difference to beat competitors.

In most cases what is available to a business is Call Center Management Software provided with the telephone platform they have chosen to invest in. Given the importance of the data generated through telephony use, it is essential companies look at their reporting requirements as a key factor of any purchase. With a move to Voice over IP and hosted telephony the actual features delivered by the telephone system are becoming more and more common and alike. What is often taken for granted is the reporting tools allowing business insights to be analyzed.

Some of the limitations can simply be the time it takes to produce what a business stakeholder needs to see to make informed decisions. One common example we see if businesses having to export multiple sets of information then try to recombine the data in a format they are used to using; normally MS Excel, then manipulating the data further to add information relevant to the business i.e. matching a telephone number to a customer or business name so it can be used in a report or splitting the report data into business regions, areas or units. All these tasks take up valuable resources and resources cost your business money. The extra time taken to re-process data into a format the business can work with also then loses that real-time competitive edge sort in the first place.

Enhanced reporting takes the raw data from the system or systems you need insights from, it re-processes the data, adds extra information relevant to your business and then crunches the number before outputting the information in all the different formats business stakeholders can immediately work with.

Source: Click Here

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